
Edinburgh has its beach, it’s called Portobello Beach. It is 5 miles from Waverley Station. To get there, I took the bus. Twenty minutes later, I walk on the promenade. At the foot of Bellfield Street, I see this vintage van. Selling ice cream!

Whether it’s raining, windy, or snowing, we eating ice cream in Scotland. It must be said that if we waited for it to be 30°C, we would eat less! With a good 20°C, I am forced to succumb to a vanilla cone.

In Great Britain, an ice cream is not really one if it is not accompanied by a chocolate stick. This ice cream has a name: it’s the « 99 Flake« . It’s a real institution and I like to respect traditions! 😉

Right now
  • Local time 19H32
  • Temperature 6°C
  • Weather Light Rain
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