In Glasgow, there are two solutions for finding really cheap books. You can go to the many “charity shops”, run by charities. You can go for a walk around the Barras Market, on the eastern edge of the city center.
I like this bookstall at the Barras Market, you can really find everything. I’m looking for a book on Scotch Whisky. I like reading the story of what used to be called “Uisge beatha” in Gaelic. The word “whisky” comes from a distortion of “Uisge”.
I could ask the old gentleman for help. He seems to know his business. But the pleasure of this kind of bookstore is to search by oneself. We’ll see. As it happens, I will find information on the origin of Sir Edward’s whisky !
- Local time 19H32
- Temperature 7°C
- Weather Mostly Cloudy